Just Call Me Internet
Just Call Me Internet.iso
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229 lines
Learn the Net v1.1
by Stuart Shaw
Hello everybody,
Thank you for taking the time for reading this Doc.
Before we start I would ask you to do all the Lessons in the
correct order.
When you have read a Paragraph over 3 lines press Enter.
If it is not over 3 lines it will carry on itself
Feel Free to pass this programme onto your friends
Please do not use the peoples nicknames on IRC.
All the information which you see with a "!" at the start is not
shown on the Internet, it is telling you what to put in.
The best internet provider for Atari is Demon.
Get all your Software from BBS's or from PD Library's.
I think Ad-Lib has Oasis.
On the Internet I use Oasis version 1.35E, Cab (the Web Browser)
and STiK (to dial).
I don't use Oasis 2 because it is very unstable.
The best maginzine to buy for Lists of prices and phone numbers
for internet Providers is .Net
This programme is very simple.
All you need to do is to just click on what you want to do on
the Menu.
Please do the Lessons in order.
I'll explain what each menu does
This will quit the programme (I bet you didn't know that!)
This teaches you all about IRC which is Chat.
It also shows you some cool commands.
This will teach you about FTP which allows you
to upload and download.
You will be shown a FTP site.
One thing which is missing is how to upload.
To do this you put
PUT "filename"
That is how you do it in NOS
This just quickly explains emails.
Which are letters
This explains about Nos which is a way to get onto the Internet.
I use Nos a lot.
And last but not least...
This teaches you about the Web. It doesn't show you a web page.
All it is text in this lesson.
In the next issue it will tell you how to make a web page.
This option prints out the sections on underneath it.
It asks you first incase you hit the mouse on that option.
This Option puts on the Screen what is printed out by Print out.
Thats me. Well I'm called Stuart Shaw and on IRC I'm on #atari
called Stu.
Belive it or not, I'm 13 at the time of writing this Programme.
I'm a mad Trekker and live in England
Well my other programmes include:
1) The Simpsons Disk Mag
2) The Tech side of Trek (a Star Trek Disk Mag)
3) THIS!!!!
Number 1 should be relased before 1997 and Number 2 will be out
in 1997
Learn The Net v2
There should be another issue Learn the Net which will include
1) some more IRC tricks and how to Upload on a FTP site.
2) If a new NOS is out I will also put that in.
3) If there is any other Telnet areas I find I'll put them in.
4) I'll also put in how to learn HTML
and lots more.
The Next Issue will be out in: 1997
Here it goes. Beware, this List may be Long.
First I would like to thank:
GFA Basic:- This is such a easy programme to work in.
If you haven't got it, get it.
ST Format:- For their GFA Basic section which has helped
me out a lot of times. We will miss it after it
has gone.
Phil Hough:- Who is on the Internet and he helped me with most
of the commands and he told me about
the wonderful programme called GFA Basic
Thanks for all his help.
The Internet:- For being so wonderful and if it wasn't there you
wouldn't have this programme.
CDS:- For allowing me to put her name in this Programme
And also for putting in her
WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!. And for letting me make
her look like a fool :-).
Phil4:- For letting me put his name in this Programme
Ade:- For letting me put his name in this Programme.
PureCode:- For letting me put his name in this Programme.
Clair Shaw:- For showing me ONE command. Also for checking my
programme for errors. And there was a lot of them.
Just ask her :-)
Star Trek:- For being there when I nearly smashed up the ST.
FTP site:- Which is in my programme.
It has a lot of good stuff in it.
And of Course:-
The author:- (that's me) For writing a wonderful programme.
Here is a list of what I had to go though while making this
1) Wrote it. It was first called Net Made Easy
2) Sent it off to be tested
3) Wrote this Doc
4) Got told that there was a lot of Bugs and Spelling mistakes
in it.
5) Put in the menu headings. Printout and Screenout
6) Looking for a Compiler
7) Sent of new version for testing
8) Fixed even more bugs
9) Got a Compiler
10) Changed name to Learn the Net
11) Changed file names to LTN
12) Got it checked for spelling
13) About to send it off to LAPD and even more PDL's
14) Updated DOC
15) LAPD told me that a few things may need improving
16) Made a version 1.1 It's the same has v1 but with some
17) Updated DOC
I hope you will enjoy my Programme when you join the Internet
why not email me to Say HELLO?
If you like this programme and your on the internet please email
and tell me what you think
E-MAIL: Stuart@shaw1.demon.co.uk
Stuart Shaw
IRC = Stu
Stu says "Star Trek is better than Dr. Who"